Edison Phonographs

Edison Operas “Extraordinaire”

Edison Operas were the top-of-the-line cylinder phonographs, produced briefly in 1911-12, later changing their name to “Concert” due to copyright infringement of the Opera name. Operas are considered to be the epitome of cylinder phonograph technology, known for their complex mechanisms and quiet. smooth-running direct (beltless) drive. Indeed, renowned author George Frow features an Opera on the front cover of his famous reference book “Edison Cylinder Phonograph Companion”

The two examples shown above have come from the world-famous collection of the late Domenic DiBernardo, aka “Mr. Gramophone”, who for years sought out and collected nothing but the very best available from every corner of the world.

These Operas were specially gold and nickel plated to the highest standards, with incredible preparation and polishing required to produce the perfect end result of the plating. Even the reproducers, auto-stop mechanisms, internal brackets, fastening nuts, etc. were plated. The mahogany casework was polished to a piano finish as well.

You may never see Edison Operas of this caliber anywhere in the world. We are honored to have become their custodians, as these true museum pieces are the showpieces of our phonograph collection.

Edison “Concert Polyphone”

A remarkable and historic phonograph, the Concert phonograph was originally used to give demonstration concerts to paying audiences. The Polyphone company, with Edison's license, manufactured dual-reproducer and horn attachments to improve the sound even further. This phonograph has a later made Baker-Polyphone system. 


Edison “Music Master” Horns

We have an inventory of newly-made oak and mahogany Edison horns, beautifully finished and with decals applied. Unfinished oak horns are also in stock. These are exact reproductions suitable for installation and upgrading of your Edison Opera or Triumph. Made in Peru and imported solely by us, these horns are considered to be the best ever made. We offer fast shipping, and each horn is blanket-wrapped and double-boxed, assuring safe arrival to your home.

We also have a limited supply of horn elbows for Operas and Triumphs which will be available only to horn purchasers. Our stock consists of mahogany Opera, oak Cygnet, and some unpainted ones as well.

Please inquire as to availability for your special phonograph.